viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Globalization Week (letter to organizer)

San José, Costa Rica
September 28, 2010

I think it's great that the University cares about the students learning other subjects in addition to their own career or study area, especially if they are as influential and important like those discussed last week during the “Globalization Week”.

I could only attend to one of the "sellos verdes", called "Abastecimiento de la Cadena de Suministros", I found the “sello verde” very interesting, because it is a subject that is closely related to my career (industrial engineering) ,and  also  the speaker  is the general manager of Intel 's supply chain,  one of the largest and most powerful companies in the world. He has a great knowledge on the subject and was able to explain it very well, he explained what a supply chain is and how it works at Intel.

I liked the activity very much, there is only one thing about the organization that I did not like, the fact that this was planned to be held in the University Auditorium and at last minute the location was changed to an executive room, where there was not enough space for people who attended.

Kind regards
Christopher Segnini Rodríguez.

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